Julius Caesar Pencil Holder (Text Added)

Julius Caesar Pencil Holder (Text Added)


I thought that "Julius Caesar (Improved) Pen/Pencil Holder" remix by derailed, was pretty kool. So, I went ahead and added a bunch of relevant text all around Link to photos, as Thingiverse doesn't allow photos bigger than 500k SERIOUSLY https://photos.app.goo.gl/JeufEAomTRRRbNF76 I printed it for one of the Christmas presents, and a conversation starter for a lesson in history, for my 8yo daughter. The photos shown are of the further personalized design. The one I uploaded, just has the following text: "Veni, Vidi, Vivi" "Julius Caesar" If you appreciate my efforts, consider buying me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/techtosterone PLEASE: If you like it, plz give it a LIKE - It costs you nothing If you find any issues, do lemme know. If this makes someone happy, share your experience, and makes Print Settings: Eryone PLA Marble 0.2lh, 50mms Ender 3 V2 (mostly stock) File has Supports built-in, so for your slicing purposes, it is "Support-free" Remixed from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2536988







3D Printing