BRIO builder motor set (compatible) expansion kit

BRIO builder motor set (compatible) expansion kit


<h1>Brio Compatible Builder Series:</h1> <h1>Project Base</h1><br> The marketing team is very clever. Our boys received a BRIO Builder ( 34591 ) Builder Motor Set as a shared Christmas gift. In this kit, you get just enough pieces to be fun for a few minutes, but not nearly enough pieces to really make fun stuff. This is where a few hundred dollars of "spare time equivalent" gets spent in CAD to make more pieces for the kiddos without the cognitive expense of having to go shopping (well .. given the current year, let's be honest .. I am NOT going to any stores for anything but essentials).<br> <br> The components of this kit are dimensionally based on the aforementioned BRIO builder kit and should be completely compatible. Included are some badly needed "upgrades" and customization. This will be a living project series as more components will be added as I dream them up. Be sure to search for: " Brio Compatible Builder Series " to discover the other components!<br> <br> As this design is parametric, the lengths of the beams can be very quickly tailored to your needs. Any directly user editable (critical) dimensions are highlighted with red in the design parameters "spreadsheet" in <a href="">FreeCAD</a>. Values in green have been proven to be scalable and accurate. Virtually all aspects of each design are editable in the spreadsheet.<br> <br> The base project includes a sample from each of the component sub-sets:<br> <h2><a href=""><b>Beams</b></a><br></h2> <h2><a href=""><b>Drive Wheels and Pulleys</b></a></h2> <h2><a href=""><b>Fasteners</b></a><br></h2> <h2><a href=""><b>Gears</b></a><br></h2> <br> <b>This is the base project that contains the FreeCAD file for modifications.</b<<br><br> <br> I am open to any suggestions as to how to improve the design work-flow in FreeCAD.<br> <br> <b>This design will be the foundation of a completely open source meccano type set. I am seeking collaborators for this project; if there is enough interest, I will draft up a set of "best practices" and establish some engineering criteria (i.e. standardized dimensions, etc).</b><br>



