Ender 6 Glue and tweezer holder
I remixed deckelmaho's toolholder [ https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4688135 ], mirroring it for the other side of the printer to use as a holder for my tube of magigoo and my tweezers that I find myself using more often than not. I installed the tool holder, the glue stick holder, and anything else that needed it using the m4 t-nuts here: [ https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1061769 ]. The hole for the glue bottle is 32mm in diameter, and the hole for the tweezers is a 10mm x 10mm square. There is a wedge in the tweezer hole to prevent it from sliding down too far, and there are slots at the bottom of the tweezer hole so the tips of the tweezer aren't buried in plastic. Happy printing!