Diatone 2019 GTR349 VIFLY Finder 2 mount v2.1

Diatone 2019 GTR349 VIFLY Finder 2 mount v2.1


Diatone 2019 GTR349 VIFLY Finder 2 mount. this mount will likely fit on GTR249 or any Diatone that uses the same canopy. the beeper fits tight you don't have to use a zip tie but I did design it the help support the mount by running the zip tie through the canopy above the stand offs. Ive fixed the issues with first version, stand off holes and made more of an opening to press the power button otherwise everything else fit perfect. I have plans to continue editing this mount, rounding corners and thinning walls to make it lighter. Like most of my things here, I do offer an openSCAD file. yes my coding sucks but I do label each code line so shouldn't be hard to edit it. I just ask for credit for the original design. Feedback is always welcome good or bad. 1/10/21 adjustments for inner cap and opening for power button. 1/11/21 adjustments to stand off holes, zip tie alignment and added support between beeper body and canopy. 1/13/21 added photos






