2 way threaded bolt

2 way threaded bolt


1 bolt with 2 threads that work in opposite directions. This way the nut with the right- and left hand thread wil screw on. This design may look a little more traditional than the usual ones u may find on this platform. This is due to the low "pitch" of the thread. The bolt is designed with a tolerance off 1mm (1/2mm allround). With this big of a tolerance It's possible to succesful print the file on a less accurate printer. This also gives you the option to scale down the model. In a couple of days i will up date the post with better pictures and maybe a video. Dimensions of the Bolt Diameter: 36mm Threadlength: 120mm Total length: 140mm I have printed this file with the least amount of filament. The settings were: Infill: 15% layer height: 0.2mm Perimmiters (walls): 2 Top and bottom solid layers: 3



