Ender3 v2 Direct Drive with BondTech BMG & e3D V6 & BLTouch
10/11/2021 : I've created a [new version](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5122206). I wanted to transform my Ender 3 v2 in direct drive mode and upgrade the possibilities with a better extruder, hotend and a BLTouch. I did'nt want to print big and complicate parts, and I wanted to use the ability to set the e3D V6 hotend into the Bondthech extruder, so I designed this. I use original parts but I think it will work with clones : - BondTech BMG extruder - BondTech NEMA17 Pancake Stepper 25mm (The Creality stepper is to big) - e3D V6 hotend - BLTouch v3.1 Needed extra stuff : To fix the base on the eplate : *2x M3 washer* *2x M3 4mm screw* To fix the Cable arm on the base : *2x M3 nuts* *2x M3 8mm screw* To fix the Bltouch *2x M3 nuts* *2x M3 6mm screw* To fix the 5015 fan on the fan duct *1x M3 nuts* *1x M3 20mm screw* To cool the hotend, I didn't used the original e3D 30 mm fan, but a 40 mm fan with this [30 to 40 mm fan adapter](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2748800) and this [40 mm fan guard](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4674297) --- After mounting this, don't forget to change the offsets. For the nozzle : With GCode : **`M206 Y-10`** **`M500`** Or in Marlin Firmware : **`#define MANUAL_Y_HOME_POS -10`** For the BLTouch : With GCode : **`M851 X-29 Y0`** **`M500`** Or in Marlin Firmware : **`#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -29, 0, 0 }`** Add this line in Startup G-Code of your slicer (after the G28 ;Home) : **`M420 S1 Z2 ;Enable ABL using saved Mesh and Fade Height`** Change the wire cabling for the BondTech Pancake stepper : Invert pin 2 and 3 on the connector. *Before (Creality 42-40 stepper) : 1 3 2 4* *After (BondTech Pancake stepper) : 1 2 3 4* Change the Vref for the extruder stepper ([guide](https://3dprintguides.com/2020/05/how-to-calculate-vref/)) : *0.69 V* for the BondTech Pancake 25mm. Change the number of steps for the extruder to *415* ([guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axBlXVRwt_s)) For better performance, change the temperature sensors in Marlin firmware : **`#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 5`** and tune the hotend PID ([guide](https://3daddict.com/pid-tune-3d-printer/)) Note : I set the speed of the 5015 fan at max 50%.