PTFE Tube Coupler (4mm OD)

PTFE Tube Coupler (4mm OD)


This is a coupler I designed really quickly to temporarily join two PTFE tubes together without any air gaps. The purpose of this design is to have a protected filament path from a drybox to the 3D printer enclosure (and the multi-material unit). The overall goal is to never have to expose highly hygroscopic filaments such as PVA to room atmosphere conditions for longer than a few seconds at a time, or at least greatly reduce the exposure potential. How it would work is that I can lead a PTFE tube out of my drybox and couple it straight to the PTFE tube leading to the MMU2S inputs, bypassing the filament buffer. The printer itself is in an enclosure and the biggest continuous exposure area is inside the MMU2S mechanism itself, which is directly above the printer's hotplate.



