Creality CR-6/Ender 3 Camera Mount (Octoprint)
*** Update 2021-01-10 *** Added an X motor/endstop mount with a horizontal cable retainer, "X motor cap cable clip.stl". *** Update 2021-01-23 *** Added an X motor/endstop mount with a vertical cable retainer, "X motor cap cable clip_2.stl". Added a longer camera arm. Slightly thicker support framework to allow for more slicer variations. "X_camera_arm-long.stl" *** Update 2021-01-25 *** Added an extension that also adds an extra joint. The original arm with the extension is about the same length as the longer arm. *** Update 2021-02-12 *** Added a longer extension piece. ____________________________________________________________________ As many of you know, OctoPrint is a fantastic piece of kit, especially together with the OctoLapse plugin. I found that securely mounting the camera while it not being in the way was not as easy as I thought, hence this design. The nice thing with this approach is that the camera follows the Z-axis, which is kind of important on a printer with a tall Z. A static camera installation will not follow the recently printed layer and would be just right for only a few layers of the print. The thing consists of two parts, one that replaces the X axis motor/endstop mount and the arm itself. Both parts are easy prints that doesn't need supports. The arm has two mounting holes at the end, 3 mm and 6 mm, allowing you to mount most cameras. If you need more mounting points there's space to drill out a few more holes. You can mount the camera either on top or under the arm. I prefer the images generated with the camera at a lower position. See image on how to plate the prints for best results. Designed for the CR-6 SE/MAX, but the Ender 3 line of printers uses the same endstop cap, so it should work there too. ######################################################################## As always, I'm not asking for your money, but it makes me happy if you hit the like button :) ########################################################################