CR10-V3 Cable Chain with Printer Connectors

CR10-V3 Cable Chain with Printer Connectors


2021/06/11 UPDATE: Listening to all critics and remarks, I completely redesigned the Cable holder and supports, improving the Clip and Go philosophy, making it easier to print and finetuning it to preserve the printing height of the CR-10 V3 to its maximum. The new URL / Link for the CR10-V3 CABLE HOLDER WITH CR-10 V3 CONNECTORS can now be found HERE: SOON This is the link to the new design This is a Cable chain with supports specifically designed for the CR-10 V3. My purpose was to designed a Cable chain taht could be installed without any screws or zip tie. there are 2 supports (TPU): - Support_Base_Clamp.stl clamp on the fixed printer element - Support-hot-end_base.stl clamp on the moving hot end element Both support are designed to clamp to the printer without any screws or zip tie Both support are designed to be printed with TPU (or Soft PLA but I didn't tested it) TPU settings needs 99% infill to be resistant enough. (but that depends on your TPU grade) In my opinion, the flex parts absorbs better any vibration therefore do not generate any extra noise when the chain moves. All other elements are printed in PLA (eSun eSIlk-PLA metal blue) with 100% infill (for resistance) and 2 elements connected to the supports (labeled "Top") and they can rotate there are 2 TOPs (PLA or PETG): - Support_Base_top.stl goes with the Support_Base_Clamp - Support_hot-end-Top.stl goes on the Support-hot-end_base the CHAIN (PLA or PETG): the chain elements are originally from by Diogo Santos (thank you) with a little mesh upgrade. - CableChain_link_Cage.stl - CableChain_link_Clips.stl EXTRA: I also designed a lid to cover the hole on the Base and I gave it an R2D2 shape (just for fun) - Support_Base_R2D2-lid.stl Let me knwo if you encounter any issues with the model Enjoy UPDATE - 01/15/2021 - I enlarged the hole in the Support_base to make it more loose - name: Support_Base_Clamp_-_V2.stl UPDATE - 01/22/2021 - I enlarged the hole in the Support-hot-end_base to make it more loose - name: Support-hot-end_base-V2.stl UPDATE - 03/04/2021 - I've added the .obj files ( if you want to remix this for your own purpose. I wouldn't mind a tip if you download the



