Harry Potter Christmas Balls: Quidditch and Dragon
Hello! Unfortunately a little bit late for 2020 but I designed this Christmas Balls with different Harry Potter related motifs. Everyone consists of the base and the motif insert. In my example pictures I painted the base red and the inserts in gold and it turned out really nice. I also made some kind of back plate that you can paint and glue behind the motif insert to get a nice effect. But I didn’t tried this myself yet. Following inserts are available (see my other things): -Hind -Harry on a Broom -Dragon -Sitting owl -Flying owl -Deathly hallows sign -Sorting hat -Hogwarts outline -Grim -Snitch For the nice surface finish I used spray-on body filler which I sanded and then painted with acrylic spray paint. This tutorial helped me a lot there! youtube.com/watch?v=0vgynnYzo08&t=17s For a little extra you can purchase such "Crowns". They should snap in quiet good if you get them at the right size. https://www.amazon.de/10st%C3%BCck-H%C3%BCtchen-Weihnachtskugeln-H%C3%A4ngedeko-Weihnachtsdekorationen/dp/B07T2LVZSN/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=weihnachtskugel+krone&qid=1609075814&sr=8-6