Arduino Robot Kit

Arduino Robot Kit


After buying a basic 2 wheel kit I decided it could be a cleaner build so I hacked and designed a chassis. Instead of using a uno shield I found some really nice Arduino Nano shields that provide all the connection pinning needed to add: Motor speed sensors x 2 Servo x 1 ultrasonic x 1 Motor control duel x 1 Bluetooth module IR line follow x 2 Still has ports free. SW basic can be taken from the Igloo robot kit and is free to download on their site. I would recommend a visit to the droneBot Workshop as a lot of guides here on programming. The rear caster was a 99 cent swivel type but there are holes for a 4 screw type also. The nano path is very low cost and with the shield an easy build but the shield fittings are same as Uno should you have one spare! 2 versions of the battery box, 1 glue to fit, i did this or the other that picks up on the board screws. Nano I/O Expansion sensor Shield Module Compatible For Arduino UNO R3 Nano V3.0







Model Robots