TriangleLab Matrix V6 Duct Mount

TriangleLab Matrix V6 Duct Mount


The TriangleLab Matrix isn't quite an exact copy of the E3D Hemera; the nozzle is slightly offset in all axes. Critically for Hangtight's excellent Hemera cooling duct, there's a ~2.6mm offset on the X axis which not only moves the nozzle offset from the centre of the duct output, but also moves the duct quite close to the heater block. This remix of the mount recentres the duct to the nozzle, accounting for the nozzle offset. Overall thickness of the mount has been reduced so an M3 x 8mm screw honours the Matrix's maximum bolt depth requirement. I find the M3 x 8mm screws are easier to source than 10mm variants. Bosses around the 5015 fan mount ensure that duct does not move closer to the heater block as a result. I'm using this in conjunction with Oceany's Hemera Mount wStealthTouch ( I haven't reoriented the heater block as described by Hangtight because the clearance to the duct appears reasonably consistent in its original orientation, and reorienting it moves it closer to the BLTouch than I'd like. No problems yet with the heater block in a silicone sock and using duct made from PETG. Note: Oceany's Hemera mount also requires a Z offset of the BLTouch to work with the Matrix, I'm also working on a remix of this so it directly suits.



