Board Game Organizer - Disney's Haunted Mansion - Call of the Spirits

Board Game Organizer - Disney's Haunted Mansion - Call of the Spirits


This is a set of organizers for the cards in the board game Disney's Haunted Mansion: Call of the Spirits. The set consists of... - A pair of stackable holders for the Ghost cards below, and the Event and Quick Reference cards above. - A dispenser that holds the smaller Haunt cards, and allows discarded Haunt cards to be returned to the bottom of the deck via a special slot and ramp on the bottom edge. This part prints with a modeled-in "SUPPORT" tab, that can be snapped off after printing. - A rectangular hollow spacer box, that fills the remaining space in the box, in combination with the other two organizers. This box can be used to store the players' gargoyle meeples. Print all the parts upright (as they would be used), without further (generated) supports.



