Half moon night light (solar powered)

Half moon night light (solar powered)


Moon shaped night light made from solar powered garden light. I scraped cheapest garden light ($0,6) for this project. It have a 40 mAh Ni-Mh battery, switch and small solar panel to charge it by solar or ceil light (you can take off dome in low light areas). The dome part have relief texture to match Moon surface when translucent. It mounts to the base part by 8x3 magnets and can be easily taken off anytime. Parts needed: - solar powered garden light (use something like photo: 40 mm battery and 25x25 mm solar panel) - hot glue gun - 4x 8x3 mm magnets - print base and dome parts - optionally some mirror-like tape for better diffuse Assembly: - print and clean parts (dome part have supports with 0.2 mm clearance) - disassemble and take all garden light parts without damaging any wires - glue pcb and solar battery to plastic parts - insert or glue magnets - optionally add mirror tape to reflect more light outside (use photo for reference) - mount on a wall






