Gravitrax, insets for the 6-wayexit basic tile
This is a set of various insets for the 6-exit basic tile (thing Some form together with the 6-way-exit block standard tiles. And some combination are not available in Gravitrax. Every piece is in one single file. All of them are compatible with Gravitrax parts, but most of them are only usable with the also compatible 6-way-exit tile. Print them in 0.2mm layer height will do. Tested it up to 0.12mm resolution, looking great then. Some more annotations: * The insets are compatible to original blocks from Gravitrax. However, only one of the insets is indeed usable, it's the long two way join. See the image. * The crossing and the inset with two long rails are very similar to each other. * The straight inset, along with the one where a long rail joins a straight one, I mostly created for aesthetic reasons. A standard three join inset will usually fit as well. * Some parts can be mirrored and then they are not the same as not mirrored. * There are more combinations possible, i.e. a straight rail combined with a long and a short join. Drop me a note if you like one. * I also found some combinations which do not work: Three long grooves, or six short once. See the image. I printed them out, and yes, they do not work. The three long grooves type works in some situations, but not reliable. * Each piece prints for me in less than an hour (0.2mm). * If you like to learn Fusion 360, what I'm currently doing, this is a great beginners task. Make the outer walls tilting 2° to the middle as I did. Then it's not so easy anymore ;) Happy printing and have fun! Ad.: I've added .f3d and .step files for an inset template and an example of using it (with a long, a short and a straight groove)