Open all 3D printing programs with one click

Open all 3D printing programs with one click


When I wanted to start a new 3d-printing project, it was annoying to have to open various programs and websites one by one. Fortunately, Microsoft Windows offers to write simple batch files to relieve you of such tedious tasks. Some may call it laziness, I call it optimization. The best way is to create these batch files in the "Windows Editor" as *.txt file. Example: @ECHO OFF ECHO Please wait, all programs will be started... START "Designspark" /B "D:\Program Files\DesignSpark\DesignSpark Mechanical 5.0\SpaceClaim.exe"" START "Cura" /B "D:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.6\Cura.exe" START "Octoprint" /B "" START "Thingiverse" /B "" ECHO All programs started! You only need to match the file path to the programs you are using. Also websites, including print servers like "Octoprint", can be started directly (via IP adress). The website is loaded via the set default browser. The file is saved normally as a *.txt file and the file extension is then changed to *.cmd. Now all programs listed in the file are opened directly with one click. <b>I would be very happy about a [Tip]( "Tip"). <b>Visit my website for more information: []( ""). > --------------------------------------------------------- > Ceterum censeo martem esse abeundum. > ---------------------------------------------------------







3D Printing