DnD Peg Tiles
Peg Tiles are for easier "on the fly" terrain building. The tiles fit in the peg holes for easy dungeon building instead of having to draw them out or prebuilding them. The walls are shallow enough to still be able to maintain a Fog of War if you decide to prebuild the terrain. I've tested and printed these tiles on both the Creality Ender 3 (FDM) and the Anycubic Photon (Resin) printers with successful results. I tried to line up the models according to how I printed them out. Some may still need better orientation to be able to print with no supports. ++REMINDER++ These are designed with the intent of using a pegboard. If you would still like to print them out and use them without a pegboard, you are more than welcomed. However, they will tip over and move around very easily if you do not use one. <+><+>Updates<+><+> 3/31/2021 - The following has been changed/added; Updated tiles to no longer extend past the 1x1 squares on all tiles. Increased peg size for better stability. The original (extended) tiles have been placed in a zip folder for those who would like to continue using the extended versions. The tiles with shorter walls (inner walls) have also been moved to the zip folder as well, but not against moving them to the regular file list as well. Pending feedback. Added: 1x2 stairs 1x2 Corner Wall 1x2 Outer Wall 2x2 Windows