Ridiculous Ender 3 Bed Handle PiCam Mount
2/5/21- New exciting addition to the weird cam family- THE STUB!™©® THE STUB!™©® is a short, minimalist upright arm for this system. Developed because I didn't need the length for most of my prints and while printing ABS one evening, the vertical mount started.... leaning after having a ceramic heater on very close to the printer to keep the temperature consistently unbearable for the print I was making. Try THE STUB!™©® today! 1/15/21 - Horizontal Swivel mount arm updated. added more of a base area for the arms to secure to the bed adjustment screws and reinforced weak corners. Camera back tolerances were updated and are no longer loose. Vertical adjust version is now beefier if that's your jam. 1/14/21- Be advised- Work in progress. I am brand new to 3d design. Everything here works, but I am refining as I go and am finding all the quirks or dislikes on this project. --- "The ludicrous looking camera mount/bed handle combo no one asked for but that works pretty great." After only a couple months with my first printer, I am homing in on where my preferences lie. I tried multiple camera mounts, but was unsatisfied with either the view they provided, or later, how playback videos looked, as the jittery view of everything moving around a fixed cam made me feel sick to watch, and I don't really ever get that sense of motion sickness. Solution- Camera mounted to the print bed. I saw a few in this style, but wanted more flexibility. Here are two distinct versions of the concept- One that is adjustable vertically and one that has both vertical and horizontal swivel adjustments. Handle was built from scratch but inspired by Ender 3 Low Poly Bed Handle by saamirt: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3363720 Camera case fits this camera or similar: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B012V1HEP4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Long ribbon cable should exit down from cam case and is fed through the odd slot in the camera arm to both secure it and keep it out of the way. Connections use either M4x 12 or 16 nuts and bolts or M5 x whatever bolts, nuts are almost optional with the M5 tolerances. Camera case IS a remix, but I cannot for the life of me find it now. Will credit when I find it again. Added a hole for the LED indicator, changed the lens hole shape and size to be a little more forgiving. Case size is secure, but not tight enough to accidentally break the first cam you ordered easily (whoops).