Print In Place Adjustable Catapult

Print In Place Adjustable Catapult


Revisions: 2.1 fixed tolerance on the release mechanism. 2.2 Added adjustment for release angle. !!warning small volume downloaded a messed up file if your part says 2.2 and doesn't lay flat, update to 2.3!! 2.3 - Increased adjustment screw length - Added release angle markers on right side. - increase tolerance on both print in place hinges to .5mm This Print in Place Catapult was made for math and Physics Classes to Practice calculating Trajectories or for just a little fun. Use wet pom-poms as ammo and let the water mark your Landing point. You can adjust the launch angle by tightening or loosening the endstop, and if you use your slow-mo on your phone to catch the ark, there are already markers in CM on the axies of the catapult (use a sharpie to mark them to make them more visible). No supports are required. For elastics, standard Rubber bands work great. Simply loop them around the castle towers and through one of the various slots on the back of the arm for different amounts of thrust. This design is meant to print Fast and Loose so you can make many for your class, however, it's still a long print so be wary. All parts are oriented to where they should be so no need to break up the file. feel free to scale as needed (though the CM markers On the side will no longer be accurate).






