Tarot Box

Tarot Box


I have a beautiful set of dragon tarot cards that was gifted to me. I wanted a box to put them in and also hold the little booklet that came with them. I went looking for a decorative dragon insignia and found this lovely keychain. All I had to do was fiddle with the size and remove the hole for the key ring. The box itself is a simple affair with a flat piece that slides out- I designated it the bottom rather than the top because the design is on the other side. I could have put it on the lid but I'd have had to etch it inward so the lid still slid back and forth, and I feel it looks a lot better the way I did it here, not to mention being easier to paint. The divider on the inside keeps the cards from going all over the place, and has a dip in the middle so they're still easy to grab out. All that was left after printing was to line the box with some felt for ease of removing the cards and for the look. I made a small booklet for notes and put it in the other half of the container, with a pencil and a few trinkets that I felt were thematically appropriate. The effect is very nice and the whole thing pleases me. Now it is ready to inspire!






