AM8 ATX Power Supply Mount (Customizable)

AM8 ATX Power Supply Mount (Customizable)


This is an ATX power supply mount for 2040 and 2020 extrusions. After converting my Anet A8 into an AM8 I needed a mount for the non standard power supply. All solutions I found were over designed and/or gigantic, idiotic (fans toward the print bed) or perfect beside the fact that the actual mount was way to flimsy. So in the end I designed my own mount, which is just a two hour print depending on the nozzle size and print settings. I printed from ABS, since the printer lives inside a housing and ABS also gives a little flex and does not break, when you hit something while carrying the printer. I also included a 2020 design, which thanks to the parametric design is just a matter of changing a value in CAD. For a pure AM8 you want the 2040 version, as it reduces the foot print by 20mm and delivers one additional extrusion mount. As you may noticed there is no bottom support. You can ether lower the power supply until it rests on the ground or - like I did - rest it on an additional corner piece I added behind the z gantry, which is more than enough surface to keep it in position. My mount will for sure work when being mounted in the air as the force mostly gets redirected towards the vertical beam the power supply is mounted to. However when hitting the printer at the power supply or setting the printer down and having some object below, which may act as a lever and break the mount. A normal metal corner piece at the bottom, will work, too. Having the power supply covered at three sides (plastic mount, extrusion, bottom), will keep it rock solid. I used this thingy: to fixate the z gantry even more and also used them for the back side of the AM8 bottom frame. As I said it also works as a perfect power supply resting place. Happy Printing



