Satsana Ender 5 Micro Swiss Direct Drive Fan Duct Remix
This is a remix of the excellent Satsana Fan Duct from eric-anastas. The duct was modified to better fit the Ender 5 and the direct drive extruder from Micro Swiss. The following changes were made: - Added a mounting bracket in the upper right corner to make use of the additional mounting hole of the new backplate - Removed some material around the mounting holes to make space for the belt which did push against the duct in the original version - Shortened the duct by 2mm in the y-direction to make everything look better, reduce weight and increase the print volume by a bit. - Changed the mounting holes of the 5015 fan to accept M3 screws - Made some space for the plastic clips of the 5015 fan -> Remove the bit of plastic that is necessary to bridge the pocket with a knife after printing the duct - Rounded the corners of the 4010 Fan pocket - Added a mounting bracket for a PINDA probe The cooling performance of this duct is far superior to the original one. As it can bee seen in the pictures, especially the bridging performance on the left side of the hotend ist greatly improved. I can also upload a version without the PINDA probe or additional mounting bracket if there is interest. Please share your makes and enjoy! P.S. The nozzle to probe offset in Marlin is { -52, -20, 0 }