Klipper Pressure Advance Line Tests

Klipper Pressure Advance Line Tests


WARNING: Using GCODE on a printer that wasnt meant for it can potentially damage your printer! Use the gcode not the stl, thingiverse requires a stl to publish. Made with https://marlinfw.org/tools/lin_advance/k-factor.html but modified for use with klipper. You can make one yourself with the tool by setting appropriate values in the tool and replacing "M900 K" with "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=" in a separate text editor. You can also make a macro in klipper for this. This is meant for at least a 200x200 bed with a front left origin with a .4 nozzle and PLA. Double check that your printer works with a gcode previewer before using. Im not responsible if this gcode messes your printer up. No need to change anything with your printer beforehand, just print and see which line looks the most even and pick the value for your pressure advance.



