Replicator 2X Flexion Dual E3D V6 Mount

Replicator 2X Flexion Dual E3D V6 Mount


Massively rebuilding and upgrading my Replicator 2X. This is a very involved project, I have replaced the main board with a Duet 2 WiFi, added a 24v PSU, swapped out the Z axis and frame (kept the OEM build plate and bed heater) and upgraded the hot ends to V6 units. I had already upgraded to the Flexion dual extruder, but always had issues with the hot ends attached. I ordered a pair of Ultimate edition E3D V6 hot ends from Filastruder, and set about figuring a way to install it all on my Rep2X. I had previously bought (by happy accident) a mounting block for dual V6's from Flexion some time ago. I thought it would be a good idea to have a spare in case I stripped out a grub screw tap or something. I ordered the wrong version, and it had been sitting in my parts bin since. After deciding to swap out the hot ends for the V6's I can take advantage of my mistake. The primary issue is that the Dual V6 mounting block from Flexion is not made for the Replicator 2X. The mounting bar is nowhere near the correct size and has no holes for attaching to the carriage. I ended up making a jig and drilling/tapping a set of holes to mimic the original layout. This setup allows me to use the original holes in the carriage to mount the block to it. The first problem with this layout is that the heatsinks on the V6's stick way out from under the carriage, killing a lot of Z axis from the build volume. I needed a way to raise the entire extruder assembly to minimize the loss. I thought the idea of a custom block to sit between the Flexion mounting block and the carriage would do the trick. I also figured that I should use this custom block to integrate cooling fans for the V6 heatsinks since the fans and shrouds that come with the V6 would no longer be able to fit. I ended up extending the custom block forward and backward to allow for fans and motors. The motors have a bit of a 'shelf' out the back to rest on now, and I have a spot for a pair of 40mm Noctua fans to be attached on the front. Once I had designed the fan intake and exhaust, I realized that the BL Touch sensor now had nowhere to go. I had a small bracket I found printed up that allowed it to sit off one of the small barrels for the original motor mountings. I added in a small bracket on one side to allow the sensor to be mounted to this custom block instead. Having got that sorted, I then realized that the Y axis endstop would no longer be triggered by the carriage moving to the right. It would hit the BL Touch and never trigger the microswitch. I added a projection that would extend past the BL Touch and hit the microswitch, triggering the home for that axis. NOTE: I created a super tall version of the cable management connector that slides in between the extruder motors. The original is way short now and can't be used. **UPDATE 1-18-21** Printed a previous revision that used the 30mm fans that come with the E3D hot ends, had to make a couple of changes. The holes to allow the screws up and through this part to the aluminum mounting block were too small, so I widened them. I also increased the size of the endstop block on the side to make it sure to trigger. Final tweak was shifting the 'edge' that the aluminum mounting block rests against in the back. **UPDATE 1-26-21** Printed the design, and found that the endstop block that projects out from the right is about a millimeter too short. Added 1.5mm to it to make sure.



