Desk Cubby Hole Tray
When my narrow roll-top desk cubby-holes started getting cluttered with small difficult to reach objects, it was time to print a sliding tray to make retrieving them easier. 3-D Printing to the rescue! Yes, their were hastily and imprecisely placed Boolean "cutter" cylinders (as shown in one of the images) used during the drafting of this tray in Blender. That, plus my woefully lacking skill of using Blender altogether made for some fits-and-starts at getting this into production. The shallow angle overhang at the top would definitely benefit from adding support. But, my printer handled the job admirably well with just the "Support to Base" option selected and produced very minor stringing easily clipped away post production. Now, I have a perfectly organized cubby with a pure white sliding tray for my hard-to-reach objects.