Case for Raspberry Pi 4 with x825 board (HDD interface)

Case for Raspberry Pi 4 with x825 board (HDD interface)


This is a case for Raspberry Pi with Geekworm X825 board (HDD + power interface - you can buy such board on AliExpress [for about $30 or a little more with power supply]( ), which I recommend - it's very likely much cheaper than you can buy in a local store). Includes space for a [50mm fan]( ). Most of the ports accessible (RPi USB-C power input deliberately doesn't have a cutout as RPi should not be powered with it when connected to X825). It is printed without any supports. There is some bridging required, but noting excessive and in areas where some sagging won't be a problem. I strongly suggest to print with 0.5mm nozzle width, even if actual width is 0.4mm since most sizes are in multiples of 0.5mm. To install the fan, put it inside the small compartment on the lid (between two walls) and fix it with screws going first through the wall holes and then into the fan holes. The fan should blow inside the case - its position ensures that both boards and HDD get a portion of air. Then pull the wires through the small square hole into the main compartment. If your fan came with a connector on the wires, it might not fit through that hole - you may either make it bigger with a drill or just pull the wires under the fan edge through the large opening. Insert the board and slide it slightly to the side so that RPi Ethernet and USB ports, and X825 barrel DC socket slightly protrude through the matching openings. If you'd like, you can lock the board to the base through two holes in the bottom. But I used just pins on the other two corners to ensure the correct position. Finally, put the lid - first, insert it under the overhanging edge at the top of the base, then move down the opposite site. There are small hooks on both sides to catch the lid in that position. Depending on your printer, they may be enough to hold the case closed or not. In any case, you can reliably fix the lid by putting a small screw through the bottom - there is a hole in the base and and a matching receptacle in the lid for this. I have printed it and put my home NAS into this case, but didn't take any photos. Might add them later. UPD: Added exported Fusion 360 project for those who want to modify it






