Festool FS-WA square Angle guide 90° butée angulaire

Festool FS-WA square Angle guide 90° butée angulaire


If you like and want to help me : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tcatca If you download please press ‘like’ to push this thing up the search to help others to find it. If you make it , I will be pleased to see that this work is useful, and to see your make. Thank you for your interest for this tool as the original is too expensive. Square angle 90° Festool FS-WA similar. bolt & nuts M6.( European) https://www.festool.fr/produits/nouveaut%C3%A9s/nouveaut%C3%A9s/205229---fs-wa90%C2%B0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOFW92CdHlw Version 2: la vis créé des marques sur le rail ( The bolt creates some marks on the FS rail) Butee rail angulaire FS-WA_version2 PLA 0d 15h 43mn 189gr 60.3m 3.4 € ext1 210C bed 60C Version 3 : Butee rail angulaire FS-WA_version3_part1 PLA 0d 17h 35mn 203gr 64.5m 3.64 € ext1 210C bed 60C Version 3.1: Correction of the hole which was diam 3mm instgead of 6mm. M6 nuts and bolts everywhere. Version 3.2: Error in a face that provocate in Cura a full face instead of a hole and some invalid calculation. Dimension : 248,7x110mm Add also Official Version FS-TA, almost same dimension as original. 384,5x151,3mm Add head nuts STL. Version 5 : Add reinforcement for the nuts as suggested by ftaysse. You can use the reinforcement STL, or create a cube to reinforce. In case you use a STL ( infill 100% + linecount 6) to reinforce, then you have to : - In preference : untick "Ensure model Keep apart" - position the part 3 aligned with Part1 , then as part 3 is 8mm width, but part 1 is 10mm witdh, then shift of 1mm, by this way you will have 4 (part1) + 6 (part3) lines. - Part 1and part 2 is print with infill 40%, wall line count 4 - Part 3 is print with infill 100%, wall line count 6 Add version for small heat bed : size is 210;110 12/03/2021 : Add version with Latch ( work in progress) Butée rail angulaire FS-WA_VersionLatch_part1workinprogress.stl Butée rail angulaire FS-WA_VersionLatch_part1workinprogress.stl VersionLatch.jpg VersionLatchCura.jpg ---------- 15/03/2021 : Final Version with metal latch : 90degresRailSquare.stl Metal latch can be ordered here: Model 1 https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/33006076180.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37KncEnh 90degresRailSquare.stl The project Cura to print is 90degresRailSquare.3mf As the latch is screw, then I suggest to get infill of 100% where the screw is positionned. If you want to get only as some position infill 100ù and the rest of the model 20% or 40%, then use : 90degresRailSquare_reinformcement1.stl 90degresRailSquare_reinformcement2.stl 90degresRailSquare_reinformcement3.stl or use my cura project and change your printer and your material directly from 90degresRailSquare_smartSlice.3mf --- I do not print yet this latest version as I used the one I already print and cut the part unucessary that prevent to screw the latch, so the photo are like that. 28/04/2021: Add version 215x110 and Cura profile for Ender3Pro 90degresRailSquare_215x110_Ender3Pro.3mf 90degresRailSquare_215x110.stl



