Frame Mounted Spool Holder for Tronxy XY-2 Pro

Frame Mounted Spool Holder for Tronxy XY-2 Pro


This is a lower frame mounted spool mount for the Tronxy XY-2 Pro. I'm not a fan of those top gantry mounted spools, which is what comes with this printer. Since this printer has that obnoxiously awful ribbon cable absorbing an unreasonable amount of real-estate alongside the printer, having the spool on the side doesn't require additional space. This model comes in 4 pieces. The bracket mounts on the 40x40 extrusion with 3 M4 screws and T-nuts, not included. The adapter snaps into the bracket with the "nut cutout" facing inward towards the opposite side of the printer. You'll need to print 2 of the nuts. Place one of the nuts in the cutout of the adapter, then thread the ring side of the tube into the nut from the outside of the adapter. The other nut goes on the tube once the spool is loaded. This design is part of a system that allows me to share and swap filaments between 3 different printers, a CR-10 clone, an Anycubic i3 Mega, and this one. While this mount will work as is for many styles of filament spools, it was made to fit a universal style adapter with a 30mm inner diameter. Specifically, I'm using jantzenday's spool adapter with all my spools on all 3 printers. The mounting apparatus itself is based on my Anycubic mount, which is a shortened and hardened version of hbrandstaetter's "Improved spool holder for Anycubic i3 Mega", which is a rmix of kurioso's "Spool holder for Anycubic I3 Mega". My remix is at: hbrandstaetter's remix is available at: kurioso's original design is available at: Notes on printing this model: Everything included here prints easily, as modeled, without supports, except for the "Spool Adapter" portion, which prints best horizontally as modeled, with supports. The supports come off super easy if you print with a support density of 5%. Sliced in Cura, supports consist of an inner ring to the deck which practically falls off, and two 1/4 bands broken at the center that peel easily from the center, with no additional cleanup. I know it adds hours to the print, however, I strongly recommend 50% infill on the bracket itself, for strength.



