REMIX -OmniaDrop Integrated Quick Change Mount

REMIX -OmniaDrop Integrated Quick Change Mount


This remix moves all of the OmniaDrop wiring to a DB15 breakout board. All connections to the OmniaDrop are made using a ribbon cable with a DB15 IDC plug on the hot end side and connectors on the board side. The EZABL mount has been lowered and a second mounting hole added for stability. This results in the EZABL mount a few mm forward than the original position. The EZABL cable still goes directly to its electronic control box. The wiring to the breakout board and the mainboard is in the attached PDF file. You can use this or make your own plan. The ribbon cable is a little tricky, as the pins alternate between cable wires. If you use this, I would strongly suggest getting the colored cable and being very careful on the wire positions. I used shrink wrap to bundle the wires for each plug, then added either ferules or JST connectors. Please let me know if you need more information on the wiring. Here is the link to the breakout board. I used 3mm brass heat set inserts for the mounting holes on the OmniaDrop main body. Video in action



