Useless Box/Machine With Arduino/ESP32 & MG90S Servo (3D Models + Code) [STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH]

Useless Box/Machine With Arduino/ESP32 & MG90S Servo (3D Models + Code) [STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH]


EDIT: With the release of the Raspberry Pi Pico, it would be a better choice than the ESP32 as it is a lot cheaper coming in at $4 or £3.5... Besides the ESP32 is a bit overkill for this project anyways :) I combined multiple designs across thingiverse, but also enlarged it to make it more suitable for messy dupont cables. It isn't pretty, but it works amazing and was certainly a fun project to work on. This project is beginner friendly and you will learn a lot without it being too difficult. Feel free to ask me questions and I will try help as much as possible, for extra help my discord is: Zicheee#3252 If you haven't tried coding with the ESP32s I would definitely recommend it, they have Bluetooth/WiFi capabilities, along with running off the Arduino IDE, they can be used to create whole websites if you wish. A very powerful microprocessor for the price, definitely would recommend. The code is all on my GitHub, feel free to give me suggestions for improvements or my next project. I'm always looking something fun to tinker with :) GitHub: I can't seem to get the remix button to work, nonetheless, this is the biggest inspiration:






