Gravitrax - Compatible basic tile with six exits
So, next step on learning Fusion 360. It's getting better from day to day. .f3d and .steps file are partially included. It all started with, a Gravitrax compatible 6 exit basic tile. First I created a set of insets for this thing, you can find it here: Then I created my own basic tile. For some improvements. So, basically it's a remix of 3552100. Build up from the ground I don't have any source files. And yes, sorry, I was not able to add it on this website as a remix, the page doesn't allowed me this to do. Changes 3552100 has only three cutouts in the six corners. So, some limitations. And they don't go all the way threw the tile. Therefor the tiles are not stackable. Then I created pillars for it to stack them. Height is 29.7mm, which is exactly the height of three spacers. Plus 4.5mm on each end which goes into the tile. 4.5m makes it compatible with the base plate of See the pics. I do really like the pillars. IMHO they look great, elegant. And two for one story are enough. You don't need three! They should fit snug, but not to snug, they might break if you try to pull them out if they are too tight. So maybe you need to experiment a little bit with x/y scaling. The three spacer height was chosen to work with various Gravitrax extensions. Again, see the pics. There are two versions of the basic tile included: A "complete" one and a piece with a flat bottom which needs an inset that fits into the cardboard. Although this inset feels and is very thing and fragile, once glued to the tile it's pretty strong. Be aware: Printing should be very accurate for the flat one or you need to use some sanding paper. You will need a minor support for the flat one, too. But this is a minimal one. Why two versions? The one-piece-tile needs around 30 minutes only to print the necessary supports. And then the bottom surface is rough in the end. But it's easier to print. The flat one needs only two hours on my printer, the inset another 8 minutes. Print a couple of the insets at once and you're done much quicker. As alway, have fun, happy printing and if you have questions simply ask.