Dustcrawler Heavy Cruiser Lindow
== Heavy Cruiser Lindow == Purpose: Attack / Escort Model: 62.4mm Length, 16.7mm width, 23.5mm height 3911mm^3 Real: 249m length, 67m width, 94m height Mass: 7730 Tonnes Heavy Armor, 3+3 Broadside Cannons (for escort), 2 Long Range forward Cannons and 7 medium forward facing cannons. The Lindow was designed based on the idea to get a new battle escort ship. After many years, feature creep led to a design that was able to fullfill every aspect that was desired for a warship, except for speed. It became one of the most expensive warships to build, but is also well known for it's versatility and strenght. After the first couple of units being build, a new design for a lighter, less expensive escort ship was started. The Lindow remains in the fleet as a powerfull assault warship, but most escort tasks are nowadays done by Gunzberg class cruisers. See https://www.thingiverse.com/decrayer/collections/full-thrust-dustcrawlers for the rest of the fleet.