Venturi Vaccum Generator
This is a venturi style pneumatic vacuum generator. It is created with a standard air hose quick release fitting modeled into the part. I have a small Porter Cable pancake compressor, and I needed to create suction for vacuum bagging small composites and de gassing stuff like silicone. This is intentionally small so that the little pancake compressor can easily keep up with this device. It does pull a sufficient amount of suction for my needs. I have not measured exactly how much suction it produces as I am too cheap to buy a suction gauge just like I was too cheap to simply buy a venturi vacuum generator to begin with. Why would I do that when I could print one? Give it a shot, its a simple little print. Oh, on the suction side, I used a Du Bro pressure fitting and a length of their Tygon fuel tubing. See product link: