Kuzco's Poison Vial Earrings

Kuzco's Poison Vial Earrings


My daughter loves the Emperor's New Grove movie. She has a Kuzco shirt and wanted some Kuzco vial earrings. I wanted to make them sort of like real vials where I could put some colored water inside and then superglue it shut. The colored water idea didn't work so well but just painting the inside seemed to work fairly well. I rolled up some paper and inserted into the throat of the vial to keep the inside throat of the vial from being painted. I then poked a paint coated toothpick thru the rolled paper and did my best to coat the inside of the vial with red/purple paint. Pulling the paper out still got a little paint on the inside throat but not as bad as if I would have pushed in a painted toothpick. The tiniest sized earrings may be a bit small, like kid earrings, so I made a slightly bigger "B" version that are better. On the earrings the lama relief was just too small to show up so you'll just have to freehand the lama on the vial or print a tiny lama on paper and glue it on. Actually the lama may be backwards on the model also so you may want to horizontally 3d flip the vial if that matters to you. Anyway, I hope you like it. Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison? Yes! That poison. By the way this model is not really of the poison vial since the poison vial was accidentally swapped out by Kronk with the "Essence of Lama" vial. Is that true? Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.






