Buck Converter Enclosure

Buck Converter Enclosure


#Buck Converter Enclosure **Summary-** This “Thing” is an enclosure for a fixed voltage Buck Converter. The buck converter I chose is a fixed, 5.2 Volt unit I intend to use with my 3D printer to power Wi-Fi cameras that monitor the print process. The enclosure design provides holes for fastening to a printer’s frame and for adding cable ties to provide strain relief to the connecting cables. This buck converter provides flexible input and output connections. Having the output voltage fixed at 5.2V eliminates the possibility of damaging the cameras due to incorrect voltage setting. The disadvantage of this converter is that there are no mounting holes but this enclosure solves that problem. There are two parts to print. No supports will be needed if printed as oriented by the STL. The Cover has a rib that will hold the module in position. This rib will rest on the top of the the circuit board. The buck converter module will simply slide into the Case. Take notice of the position of the USB connector to make sure the module is inserted correctly. When printing the Cover I found it very helpful to use a "brim". I hope you find the thing useful. BobP



