MicroATX Frame For Compact Mining Rig
A simple 3D printed mining rig mobo chassis/frame intended for open-air or custom enclosure PC builds. Versions: v.1.0 Initial design. v.1.1 Added 7" HDMI TouchScreen & power button bracket. v.1.2 Added 2.5" SSD/HDD disk bracket. v.2.0 The final design. Required parts for the intial design, the compact mining rig mobo chassis/frame v.1.0: 1 print "compactminer_v1.0_leg_psu.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.0_leg.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.0_body_1.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.0_body_2.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.0_clip.stl" (optional) 4 standard screws to mount the PSU type #6-32 UNC screw. 2 standard screws to assemble mobo body part 1 and 2 type #6-32 UNC screw, even though fan screws (self-tapping screw for case fans) may be preferred. Required parts for the compact mining rig mobo chassis/frame v.1.1: 1 print "compactminer_v1.1_leg_psu.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.1_leg.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.1_body_1.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.1_body_2.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.1_clip.stl" (optional) 4 standard screws to mount the PSU type #6-32 UNC screw. 2 standard screws to assemble mobo body part 1 and 2 type #6-32 UNC screw, even though fan screws (self-tapping screw for case fans) may be preferred. Required parts for the compact mining rig mobo chassis/frame v.1.2: 1 print "compactminer_v1.2_leg_psu.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.2_leg.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.2_body_1.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.2_body_2.stl" 1 print "compactminer_v1.2_clip.stl" (optional) 4 standard screws to mount the PSU type #6-32 UNC screw. 2 standard screws to assemble mobo body part 1 and 2 type #6-32 UNC screw, even though fan screws (self-tapping screw for case fans) may be preferred. Required parts for the finished design, the compact mining rig mobo chassis/frame v.2.x: Ongoing work... Notes: I'm building a compact miner, with 1x Ryzen3700X and 1x Asus1660ti - with a 3D printed chassis/frame. I've ordered several open air test bench/chassis on Amazon for inspiration and sketched up 3 other frames. On Youtube we'll put the rig together using this simple 3D printed mobo frame and then we'll try and find the best setup, best positioning for the parts, measuring it all to get a perfect fit for the mobo, the fans, the 7" display, the power button, etc. I've got an idea how I want the 3D printet chassis to look like, it's nothing like the basic frame I'm printing here, we just needed a frame to get going. Let's see how it goes and where we'll end up. The design has been modified for my 3D printer. It's a small size printer so these most other 3D printers should be able to print this. The specs of the Creality CR20-Pro is 220x220x250mm. Because I'm using screws to assemble this frame, I'm printing with a 40 percent infill. References for mobo specifications, standoff locations and screw specs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroATX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATX#Variants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_case_screws https://www.silverstonetek.com/techtalk_cont.php?area=fr&tid=wh11_008 https://linustechtips.com/topic/931934-missing-one-standoff/ ToDo: Add holes for the 7" HDMI touchscreen. 16mm 12V DC LED Push On Switch. Mounting brackets for industrial fans. Noctuas or Papst 120mm or 140mm. GPU support for Micro-ATX motherboard. Issues to be solved: Will we be using std. mobo standoffs for the mounting of the mobo or will we implement these in the 3D print? PLA heat resistant enough? Is the 7" HDMI TouchScreen a standard size? Inspired by: SavageMine YTC, CryptoMykel YTC & DCA Adventure 3D printing wednesday, Nemisist YTC Crypto and HotRods & DCA Adventure 3D printing wednesday. A huge thanks to Im_Aesthetic for the basic design. Thingiverse, Yeggi, STLfinder etc.: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3499674 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4572933 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3556019 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4076913 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4355821 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3331859 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3743168 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4638825 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2747126 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4071890 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4622563 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2830681 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2276984 Printer: Creality CR20-Pro Resolution: 0.20mm Infill: 40% Filament brand: Prima Filament color: Black Filament material: PLA Notes: I've used support for "compactminer_v1.0_body_1.stl" since the overhang is 180 degrees. The CR20-Pro prints the rest of the v.1.0 stl files without support, but not all printer will. I suggest you use support here to if in doubt. I've used support for "compactminer_v1.1_body_1.stl" and "compactminer_v1.1_leg_psu.stl" since the overhang is 180 degrees. The CR20-Pro prints the rest of the v.1.1 stl files without support because I designed the bracket for the 7" touchscreen and the bracket for the LED power button to be able to print without. But not all printer will. I suggest you use support here to if in doubt. I've used support for "compactminer_v1.2_leg_psu.stl" since the overhang is 180 degrees. The CR20-Pro prints the rest of the v.1.2 stl files without support because I designed the bracket for the 7" touchscreen, the bracket for the LED power button and the bracket for the 2.5" SSD/HDD to be able to print without. But not all printer will. I suggest you use support here to if in doubt. The parts fit quite nicely but you may want to glue the legs to the mobo body. It's not required, but you may prefer to do this. You can choose to use the enclosed stl file for the support clips. I believe it'll hold just fine using screws, but you may prefer to do this. Youtube live printing: You can see the parts being printed here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeoCp5mkxNZrsGKbxuqJZ1g/videos Ongoing work... Kind Regards, DTD