Arrow of Light mantle for Pinewood Derby Car

Arrow of Light mantle for Pinewood Derby Car


My Wolf scout wanted to go for "Best Represents Cub Scouting" award at this year's Pinewood Derby, so he choose to make an "Arrow of Light" car. Together we made this car, it was a lot of fun. Wish us luck at the PWD. My son first decided on an arrow design, and we cut the car together. After sanding it down, he was satisfied with the shape. Together we used Tinkercad to come up with a design for the "light" mantle on the top and went through three versions before he was happy. Then using the printed 'light' as a template, I installed three 3mm flat-top LEDs in the bottom of the car in a single circuit with 26AWG solid core wire powered by a 3v CR2032 battery with a small switch I had. (You can use a 3v CR2016 if you want even less weight from the battery.)






