DNA3D - A 3D-printable model of DNA

DNA3D - A 3D-printable model of DNA


DNA3D – A 3D-printable model of DNA ---------------------------------------------------- **Documentation** - customization instructions, Thing File CustomizationInstructions.txt - DNA3D components use guidelines, Thing File UseGuidelines.pdf - 3d-printing guidelines, including Cura 4.4 profiles, Thing Files PrintingGuidelines.pdf and DNA3D_CuraProfiles_r10.zip - preprint available (joint work with Vincenzo Manca), Thing File ExpDNA.pdf - archive includes model sources, documentation, preprint and several images, Thing File dna3d_r10s.zip **Update** New documentation available: - guidelines on using the DNA3D components to perform the composition tasks proposed in section 6 of the preprint; - guidelines on 3d-printing components with different materials and slicer settings, including: - Cura 4.4 slicer settings profiles. The archive contents have been updated accordingly. **Update (June 13, 2021)** - A revised, final version of the preprint is available, accepted for publication in TCS. Several clarifications and a few new figures have been included in the revised version, following the suggestions proposed by the reviewers. Thing File ExpDNA.pdf - The archive contents have been updated accordingly, Thing File dna3d_r10t.zip **Update (June 14, 2021)** - The changes made in the available, final submitted preprint with respect to its first version are shown in blue color. Thing File ExpDNA.pdf - The archive contents have been updated accordingly, Thing File dna3d_r10t.zip **Update (June 27, 2021)** - Here is the link to the published online version of *Explaining DNA Structure*, TCS (June 2021, in press): [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2021.06.011]([https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2021.06.011)






