Connect 4 Game
Connect 4 Game 180mm x 140mm (Length x Width) 138mm (Height) No supports needed! Comes with a full print in place option! I haven't tried it yet and have just finished I will post a make of my own print! (Test Update) I have posted a make, it works and pieces together perfectly! The coins I have updated as sometimes they could slip past each other by being too thin, so I have updated them and made them without a 1mm chamfer and 0.4mm thicker. There is also an STL included now to print a set of 21 coins! There's enough clearance for the top and bottom piece to fit together, working with threads I had learned to make sure to give enough. The clearance is 0.4mm a nozzle width wide. 21 Coins for EACH color which is the standard for Connect 4. A total of 42 coins. Print and have fun! Please like and post a make! :)