Porlex Mini II Burr Stabilization

Porlex Mini II Burr Stabilization


I bought a porlex grinder because of it's good recommendations. To be honest, stock it was not so much better than the 70 year old grinder i got from my grandmom. The burrs have too much space to move and wobble around. Grounds are uneven. The upper burr should fit snuggly in the printed part. (Not sure how big the manufacturing tolerances are. Mine fits perfectly.) I glued the lower burr to its original carrier with some small points of hot glue. While it got could i pushed it against the upper burr to get some alignement. Maybe not the best solution, but it works for now and is easily removable. The performance got much better with this trick. Check all three possibillities how the upper burr could sit. For me, one was much better than the other two. Mark the right one ;) Enjoy your coffee :)



