Cyclone Dust Separator

Cyclone Dust Separator


New version: Note 07.11.2021: I abandoned the idea of a cyclone seperator with a included fan, because the motor I used was too weak and the motors required are expensive. I switched to a version which can be used more easily with a vacuum cleaner. Maybe I will upadate this version as well an look for a more powerfull motor. This is a cyclone seperator. Highlight: For mounting it has a screw design to screw into any hole of 64-65 mm in diameter. The screw is designed for 3D printing (no support needed for the thread part.) You need support for the cyclone part (not on the thread) and the propeller hull. You dont need support for the propeller itself and the screw. Note: (28.02.2021) The electro motor I used was too weak. That's why I removed the reference to the motor I used. I will adjust and update the design to a new motor or modify the design so that it can be used with a vacuum cleaner. Therefore I change the status to "work in progress".






