Digimon Blank Memory Guage

Digimon Blank Memory Guage


This is a 3d printable Memory Guage for the Digimon 2020 TCG. The Design is blank and can be customised for personal use only. It is designed to use 2mmx2mm magnets (26 in total). It is recomended that 2 are printed as it is not compatable with the ones you get in the card packs / starter decks. If you want one but are unable to print them or you want a custom one with artwork on top. you can ask by emailing Argwinmodels@gmail.com. This model was designed for use in resin printers however should be printable in all types. it is nessersery to make sure that all the magnets on the counter side face the same way and that the magnets on the connecting side have the two on the left facing the opersite way to the two on the rights side.







Toys & Games