Network storage for 4x3,5" bays (NAS)

Network storage for 4x3,5" bays (NAS)


Network storage for 4x3,5" bays (NAS) --- I found that I have few not used hard drives and decided to make NAS. This is mostly original project. Only internal cage partly used from this item: I designed this thing for the ASUS AT4NM10T-I mini-ITX motherboard - you can found something cheep or used on aliexpress: Also I ordered the 4 SATA connectors for "cage back" details: The NAS designed to use this power supply (I hope that will be enough of power...): Also I designed a place for 12 cm fan on the back panel. For the front grid I planning to use the 12 5 mm diameter and 3 mm height magnets and 5 mm diameter metal tube for grid hinges. For connecting all panels you need about 50 M3x14 bolts (like these: ). Heads of the bolts will hide in the panels. Also you need some bolts to fix HDD in the boxes. NOT ALL DESIGN IS COMPLETED. THERE ARE THE PARTS NEED TO COMPLETE! I talking about part near the power button (there must be some solution for power swich, power and hdd leds and maybe USB port) and place for the rubber foots on bottom panel. Also I planning split the parts because my printer in not a big enough... Biggest part I can print in one piece is the HDD box. I added the sketchup file with the separated into groups printing parts and model of the motherboard, power supply and fan. You can notice, that motherboard is too close to the HDD cage. If you use mini-ITX board with the cooler not higer than 3,5 cm it will be enought space for it. Today I still dont know exactly what will be the assembling order (as I said - thing is still in progress) but I planned that you must begin from internal cage. Some parts is mounting with bolts, some must be glued (I cannot find another solution...) Then on bottom panel put power supply and HDD cage, then put front panel, then left panel, then put motherboard on right panel, connect wires and put right panel, then put fan on back panel, put back panel into place and at the end - put top panel. But as I said - there is only plans. It can be changed :) 2021-02-06 update: --- Cutted into smaller part to fill in my printer. Assembled virtually from imported stl files. Finded and fixed some design errors. Still printing and waiting the motreboard and other parts. 2021-02-09 update: --- Already printed and first time assbembled. All parts fit almost perfectly. Added rubber feet - like this At the bottom part you can find holes for it. For door hinge used the old 4mm tpfe tube - fts perfectly and doors openning much easer. Now waiting for internal equipment - motherboard, memory, power supply and fan. 2021-02-15 update: --- Few days ago I received a SATA cables from aliexpress. Noticed that cage back design is not correct for that type of connection. Changed design - you can find two new files (V2_cage_back_x4_fixed and V2_cage_back_x4_fixed_1) for these cables. Also if you check the "made" section, there you can find some photos of printed chassi and new design of cage back with these cables. 2021-02-22 update: --- Today received the motherboard and RAM module. And found one design mistake - when you try to place the right side panel with motherboard on it you need to use a bit of force. This part was deesigned in this way because there is not enough place for the bolt :). Anyway - panel with motherboard fitted into place. You can chech the photos on the "makes" section. Noticed two problems with configuration. First - my motherboard uses only VGA connection to video. My monitor uses only DIsplay port and HDMI. All TV's at home are with VGA connector, but there is Ethernet LAN missing. But there are only technical problems. Second problem - my system uses only 4 GB of RAM. I searched on Asus and on Intel sites, but cannot find information about motherboard and processor architecture (x86 or x64). Also I planned to use software FreeNAS (now renamed into TrueNAS0, but foud that my board is below minimum requirements (min. 8GB RAM). I decided to try XigmaNAS ( One more think. If you'll decide to print this thing and want it be better - you must change the place where the left panel is joining with the rear panel. Also it would be better to make some ventilation openings near the processor heatsink on the bottom and the top panels. Now waiting for two last parts - power supply and fan. 2021-02-23 update: --- Already found that motherboard and CPU are only 32 bit. That's sad because almost all free NAS software require a 64 bit architecture. But found that FreeNAS version has a x86 release. I'll try this software when will receive a power supply. 2021-03-20 update: --- Today received the power supply and the 12 cm fan. Assmenbled all into one piece. Power supply dimensions was about 0,5 mm bigger than must be. But after the smal work it fitted into place. After assembling I can say - 3D printied parts are completed and can be used. I marking this item as completed. Tried to test and noticed that motherboard not working... Now waiting for response from seller...





