Runewars and Banners of War Insert

Runewars and Banners of War Insert


I found a decently priced version of Runewars: Banners of War, and decided to revisit my first ever board game insert that I designed for just the Runewars base game. I made this new insert to fit both the base game and the expansion in the base game box, and with card sleeves (I think I used either Mayday or Fantasy Flight). Print every file once except for 2 copies of the Season Card Box, 4 copies of the Player Sheet Holder Left and Player Sheet Holder Right, as well as 4 copies of the Expansion Sheet Holder. I included 2 copies of the Player Sheet Holder Left and Right. Version 1 has a triangle interlocking thing to keep them from sliding apart and would be if you don't want to glue them together, and version 2 is using slanted circles instead which I think will glue together easier if you want to glue them. Either way, all 3 sections can hook together as shown in the picture, and holds the player sheets, expansion sheets, and 5 spots for your troops in battle for each initiative level. The game box sits about a centimeter up when the game is fully packed in. Hope this game isn't too old and out of print for anyone to get use of this.



