Panasonic Microwave Oven Trim Kit Wobble Fixer Blocks

Panasonic Microwave Oven Trim Kit Wobble Fixer Blocks


Panasonic microwave trim kits are so flimsy that the microwave oven wobbles around whenever the door is opened or closed. These blocks slide into the trim kit below the feet (before the trim kit face is installed), to stop the flimsy sheet-metal trim kit from flexing when opening and closing the microwave. There should be no heat or flames below the feet on the microwave oven, but consider printing with fire-resistant filament, and/or wrapping printed blocks in aluminum foil for additional protection against flammability. Optional hole in center is a finger hole for easier placement & removal. Print quantity 4 blocks, one for each foot. For Panasonic Microwave Trim Kit installation, also see: SCAD file included for customization. [Updated 1/26/21 (V2): Tweaked height, added finger hole, added ridge to prevent being pushed in too far.]



