Elegoo Saturn PTC Heater mount for Protonster

Elegoo Saturn PTC Heater mount for Protonster


UPDATE:By request, I made LEFT side mount versions of each one. Also had a person ask for a double mount so they could mount on on each side of the Z-axis. You wish is my command. LM indicated left mount, RM indicated right mount, and Double is a double of course. NOTE: Its come to my attention that there are some Saturn's that have a small Z-Axis support. Therefore the top plate of the Z-Axis is also smaller. I have created smaller versions of each mount based on dimensions provided to me. If your Saturn does NOT have the side Z-Axis braces, use the SMALLER mount. Advise to use a resin with a higher heat resistance Heater mount that sites on top of the Z-Axis of the Elegoo Saturn. Designed so that Protonsters PTC case simply snaps into this mount. No modifications needed to the mount or the PTC case except the PTC case cannot have the magnets installed. Protonsters mount: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3442165 Thermistor mount is a remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3470432 to add a stud for pushing into the head of the bolt on the side of the Satun Z-Axis There are several versions: 1. Solid single piece 2. Solid single piece with a few holes for suction relief and the heater sits 5mm forward versus the other models 3. Hollow single piece, has spot in center for a piece of 3m tape if you wish 4. Hollow 2 part unit. Part one sits on the Z-Axis, part 2 snaps onto the PTC heater then it can be set into place and easily removed if you decided to 3m tape part 1 to the z-axis I've printed everyone flat against the build plate with Buldgebuster for elephant foot reduction and only supporting the main overhangs. The circles do not need supported.







3D Printing
