Ender 3 Lightweight LED Light Mount 20mm

Ender 3 Lightweight LED Light Mount 20mm


I have deteriorating vision and need a lot of light. So it goes that as soon as I setup my Ender 3 V2 I immediately needed more light. With whatever improvised setup I tried, I always found myself wanting for more, so I put it to myself to buy and install a more powerful light setup as a dedicated light setup for the printer itself. In searching for light mounts I saw similar setups, but I saw a number of variations requiring adhesives, t-nuts, sliding in place from the endcap side of the slotbar, etc. Most designs also seemed to be overbuilt with either too much material or not enough specificity with regard to model of light. So I designed this mount set. Features: - Lightweight, minimal material required - Simple single span truss design - No supports needed - Round cap lateral span to reinforce the truss body - Inward 3 degree angle that redirects the center axis of light projection back toward the z axis centerline. - No mounting hardware, no adhesive, snap in place design with optional stabilizing adhesive receiver surface. Mounts fit press-in-place. Light snaps in place to end of offset span. - Can be mounted as a forward and rearward pair of lights to maximize output. - This is the model of light I used, the Cool & Warm option: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L8XXR3J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - The mounts are meant to exactly fit this light.



