Beat Saber Handles for Oculus Quest 2

Beat Saber Handles for Oculus Quest 2


Beat Saber handles created with Muthinor's scan of the controller (thanks!) I personally find slightly thinner handles to hold more comfortable over longer periods. Tolerances are quite tight with the clip (make sure you print in the right orientation, shown in pics), Slide the clip from the bottom up as the handle tapers out to grip the controller. After a few attempts the clip wears in and becomes easier to move. Once clipped in, i get no movement of the controllers while swinging them around, with the added security of the wrist strap still being used :) If your print surface isn't great you might need a raft to secure the handles while printing, i'm using an Ender 3 pro with no issues. I have noticed it shifts the center of gravity of the controllers, makes them feel a little heavier as you swing them around.







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