(Offical Raspberry Pi Case Fan Mount) 25 mm fan sled for Malolo's screw-less / snap fit customizable Raspberry Pi 4 Case

(Offical Raspberry Pi Case Fan Mount) 25 mm fan sled for Malolo's screw-less / snap fit customizable Raspberry Pi 4 Case


This is a sled for holding the 25 mm official raspberry pi case fan inside of Malolo's screw-less case. I created this case by modding the stl for the 40mm fan sled that can be found in his design. This fan sled holds the official pi 4 case fan which can be found here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-case-fan/ I created this sled as I already owned the offical pi 4 case fan and case, however it was unable to keep up with the pi 4 under load, especially given the official pi 4 case has no vents. Instead of buying a new fan to fit this custom case, I printed a mount for the fan I already had, and allowed me to use the built in pi 4 temperature management. I had Included plots of the pi temperature under load in the original pi 4 case with the fan, and in the custom case with a fan. I am using the Malolo's screw-less top H20 with the official pi logo on top.






