Total Gym 1000 Middle Hinge Spacer

Total Gym 1000 Middle Hinge Spacer


On the total gym 1000 model there is a plastic washer betwen the metal sections, on the hinge joint that allows the whole thing to fold in half. As you can see mine cracked over time. I attempted to unscrew the joint but it must be thread locked or something, completely stripped the bolt trying to remove it. Then i tried to cut a slot into them to try and used some 2mm metal unscrew them, ended up just bending the metal. Those things are never coming off. So i designed a two piece replacement that can be fitted without having to undo the joint. Just print two of the same piece and it slots together and is then held with two small screws/bolts. I used this with two screws i had left over. Not 100% sure of the specification for them but i think they are M2.5 x 6mm dome head screws. The screw holes in the model are 2mm, and the two pieces being screwed together are only 7.5mm deep. So you'd need a screw, bolt, metal pin of similar size. The piece shouldn't experience much pressure once its on the total gym but i imagine glue wouldnt hold very well. Theres 1mm of tolerance built into joining sections, giving 2mm of tolerance on the diameter. so for me they lined up perfectly. If your tolerances arent as spot on the holes may not line up properly. The original design is half hollow, but i designed this to be solid. Cant see any mechanical reason why they made it half hollow other than maybe it being a bit cheaper to make. I made this 8.8mm deep. If it doesnt fit you should be able to scale it a little smaller/bigger in slicer and it should still work fine. I printed mine 100% infill but it might not need to be.



